
Home > Humourcomix > Acknowledgments



This site and its content was developed and optimized by Milko Dalla Battista based on the code CMSimple_XH released under GPL3 license.

The graphic design and the GUI (Graphic User Interface) were created by Milko Dalla Battista.

Plugins "Wrapper" by Tillman Schuster, "Multimedia" by Gert Ebersbach, "PHPSlideshow" by Lawler and "JM Cookie Control" by Jens Maegaard have been used, each adapted to the needs of the site by Milko Dalla Battista.

"HC2K21" template was made by Milko Dalla Battista on the basis of "simplecrazy" FreeCSStemplates project, developed by Lance Gosby, based on XTOC, distributed under GNU General Public License and adapted by MDB according to the rules.

Warmest thanks to Christoph M. Becker and CMSimple_XH community team for the kindly provided support.

All rights belong to their respective authors.


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